Wednesday 14 November 2012

Accelerate me!!!

Okay, going back 24 hours (has taken me a while to psych myself up into starting to write!)... Tuesday 13th November was Accelerator Day in Week 12 of Round 3 of 12WBT 2012. That means that we aim to eat no or low carbs all day in order to "accelerate" into our Wednesday morning weigh-in. Accelerator Days are a feature of 12WBT from about Round 9 of each 12-week cycle. I have to admit that I've been a Round 3 delinquent since about Week 5, so yesterday was my first genuine effort at an Accelerator Day.
It started out okay, eggs, tomato and spinach for breakfast, although no toast, which I thought would be more of a hurdle than it actually was. The "Accelerator Day Breakfast" in the Nutrition Plan involves baked beans, too. I thought beans were fairly high carb, but obviously they're the "right" sort - methinks hash browns not in the same category (not a favourite of mine anyway, so no hassle). Forgot about Accelerator Day when I added the usual two teaspoons of sugar to my morning coffee. Hmmm... back on track.
Then about half an hour later, the killer headache hit! Not sure if this can be ascribed to lack of carbs, dehydration or whatever else, but ended up taking day off work and not achieving much. 
Most of Accelerator Day a bit of a blur, but perked myself up in the evening to concoct this gourmet masterpiece....
Looks good, doesn't it? Chicken Korma (low cal, of course!) with low fat Greek Yoghurt, mint and a modified 12WBT Greek Salad (I've added a tomato and half an avocado in an effort to fortify myself). Have to say it tasted magnificent (although the BBQ King complained of the curry smell in the house this morning) and not having any serious carb component resulted in a much lighter feeling digestion-wise when heading off to bed. Seriously considering cutting down more than I have already on rice, pasta, bread, potato components to evening meal. Interesting...

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