Sunday 13 March 2016

The Duchess is back!

Given the evidence below, I think I have to admit the following:
  • I'm not a committed blogger
  • I fell off the 12WBT wagon pretty soon after I started last round
So, that dealt with, I'm back to have another try, with much the same aims as before - to feel better, set a better health example for my family, and to lose a few kgs too. An extra incentive this time around - my lovely Dad has gifted us a trip to Queensland in August - it'll be the first time I've been since Expo '88! But I don't want to be mistaken for one of the local cetaceans on the beach, so a little less than 5 months out seems an opportune time to take action!

I'm only 1kg more now than I was at the very start of my original 12WBT round, four years ago, and given my diet and lack of exercise during the interim, I think that's something to be grateful for.

Unlike many 12WBT "newbies", I have proven to myself previously that this system works for me and that I can do it! (I just need to stick with it and not fall into the trap of over-reaching exercise-wise, which I have done previously, leading to injury, flare-ups in my fibromyalgia symptoms and failing to finish the round.

This round's motto - stick to the program, take it slow and steady...


  1. You can do it. Truly you can. I fell off the wagon and went backwards and it's taken since last September to be committed again but I'm almost back to where I was. It's so worth it. Good luck.

  2. Thanks Carol, I feel like it's an advantage to know that the system works from prior experience. I have fallen off the wagon a bit over Easter, but over the next few days, I'm committing to (a) recording calories (b) sticking to my 1200 cal allowance and (c) drinking 2L water each day. Well done on re-establishing your commitment, it's good to know others can and have done it. Although it's sometimes tough day-to-day, I know I have to stay mindful of the long term goal. Back in the saddle!

  3. Hey Sarah. I was at Expo 88! On my gap year between school and uni I had a job making sandwiches for it. Had a blast in Brisbane for a couple of months!!

    God luck with the walking marathon...Make it brisk walking! Lxx

  4. PS. Blogging really helps you stick to a programme.....more posts please!!

  5. Hello there...I just found your blog! Looking forward to following you- good on you for getting back on the wagon: I know how hard it is! You're doing really well xo
